Does health insurance cover complicated deliveries?

While pregnancy is joy, childbirth can get complicated. Delivering a healthy child is no cakewalk. There can be multiple complications during delivery that, if not handled properly, can lead to the death of the mother and/or the child. That is…

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome – Causes, symptoms, treatments

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, or PCOS as it is commonly called, is quite a common problem among the women population of India, especially during their reproductive age. As per a study by the PCOS society, 1 out of 10 Indian women suffers from…

Pre and Post-natal care | Coverage in Health Insurance Plans

Pregnancy is a wonderful journey for both parents. It signifies an unexplored adventure and the start of your family. Besides the overwhelming emotions, pregnancy also brings with it a list of medical expenses. Regular visits to the doctor, frequent scans and…

Pregnant? Here are some important aspects to keep in mind

Pregnancy and starting a family are important milestones of life, especially when it is your first time. Right from pregnancy to childbirth, a couple’s journey can be an exciting and adventurous one as they discover new aspects, every day.  Besides…

Increase your parents’ health coverage without high premiums

Increase your parents’ health coverage without the burden of high premiums

It is no secret that medical expenses are constantly rising. While medicine has made tremendous advancements in recent times, you cannot overlook the steadily increasing medical costs. According to the Indian Health Insurance Report, the rate of medical inflation in India…

Health plans get limited with age. Insure your parents now!

Advancing age brings with it a host of medical conditions. The Longitudinal Ageing Study in India (LASI), published in January 2021, conducted a survey of individuals above 60. The survey pointed out the following – 55% of the individuals suffered from a…

Health Insurance for Parents chronic illness

Personal health insurance – the comprehensive coverage for your parents’ chronic illness

According to a definition by the U.S. National Centre for Health Statistics, a chronic illness is one that lasts for three months or more and might get severe with time. On the other hand, Wikipedia defines a chronic condition as one…

Worried Debt Trap? Invest | Personal Health Insurance Policy

Avoid the debt trap, invest in a personal health insurance policy

To say that medical expenses are rising is putting things mildly. It is rather an understatement as medical inflation is overtaking the average retail inflation in India. As per reports, the retail inflation in India was 3.4% in 2018-19 while medical…

Continuity benefits – group v/s independent health plans

How to avail continuity benefit with health insurance – group v/s independent health insurance plan?

There is a group health plan and an independent health plan when it comes to health insurance. Group health plans are bought by registered groups like employer-employee groups, clubs, banks, trade unions, etc. Such plans cover their members under a…

Are you covered enough to fight Medical Inflation?

If there was one significant lesson that the pandemic brought to the forefront; then it is the fact that often group insurance health plans alone may not be sufficient to cater to your medical needs. The group insurance scheme for…