Is your Insomnia Impacting your Health Insurance?

Let’s talk about your bedtime routine. Do you lie on your bed and go to sleep within a few minutes? Or do you check social media, play games online and watch OTT? Is the latter a more accurate description of your bedtime routine? Then, you are a bedtime procrastinator.

If you indulge a lot in bedtime procrastination, you have a high chance of developing insomnia.

Insomnia: A Worrisome Modern Day Reality

Almost everyone has experienced insomnia at some time or the other in their lives. Apart from bedtime procrastination, some people can’t seem to be able to sleep. Stress, worry, excitement, jet lag or a change in diet can also impact one’s sleep quality. Sometimes the issue lasts only for a few days. At other times, it may be much more prolonged. 

Here is how insomnia is classified.

Types of Insomnia

  • Acute: Lasts for a few days or weeks.
  • Chronic: Lasts for more than a month.
  • Onset: Difficulty in falling asleep.
  • Maintenance: Difficulty in staying asleep.
  • Comorbid: Associated with another disease, ailment or condition.

Have you ever experienced insomnia? If so, which of the above types would you classify it? 

Not being able to sleep properly is terrible in itself. What’s worse is that insomnia increases your risk of developing other conditions. Let’s understand what they are.

Health Risks of Insomnia

Insomnia is known to increase the risk of the following medical conditions:

  • Stroke
  • Asthma
  • Seizures
  • Inflammation
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Cardiac conditions

Insomnia can also increase your risk of the following mental health ailments:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety

Unfortunately, the destructive effects do not stop here. Insomnia affects your performance in the following areas:

  • Work
  • Education
  • Memory
  • Judgement
  • Sex

Furthermore, insomnia also leads to a shortened life expectancy.

Impact on Health Insurance

Insurers often conduct a pre-policy medical checkup to estimate your health risk. Having insomnia increases the chances of the above conditions showing up on the test. It might lead to these conditions being flagged as pre-existing conditions.

Pre-existing conditions usually attract a waiting period of a few years. This means that your policy will cover these conditions only after a few years have elapsed.

They may even attract a co-payment clause. It would mean that you will need to pay a percentage of every claim amount.

Pre-existing conditions may also attract higher premiums on your health insurance policies.

Staying healthy and avoiding insomnia is a good idea, especially while purchasing and being covered by health insurance. You can avoid waiting periods on pre-existing conditions and co-payment clauses. Your insurance premium will be lower too. Insurance companies understand that good health decreases your health risk. They reward you for staying healthy. Read along to know-how.

Health Insurance Companies Reward you for Being Healthy

Some have come up with innovative programs and incentives to be healthy. They might offer a free or discounted gym membership along with the policy. Some of them are even using technology to encourage health and wellness. Read along to know more.

Gamification, Smart Watches and Similar Wearables

Some insurance companies have devised smart ways to gamify health and wellness. They might organise competitions and games on social media or their portals and web applications. To participate in these competitions, you must monitor your vital data 24×7. Some insurers incentivise and encourage wearing smartwatches and similar wearables to monitor your health

Improving Health and Wellness: The key to Avoiding Insomnia

We all know how bad and irritable we feel if we haven’t had a good sleep. 

However, as seen above, insomnia affects your health and wellness in many different ways. It can lead to severe mental and physical impairments and conditions.

It can even adversely impact your health insurance coverage. To tackle or prevent insomnia, exercise regularly, eat well and avoid situations that can lead to insomnia.

Read more about Does stress impact your health insurance?

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